Contact Us

Service Area

Covering North Devon & Torridge. Including Holsworthy, Bideford, Torrington, Barnstaple, All airports, seaports and tourist destinations.

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01237 722 066

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Frequently Asked Questions

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[email protected]

How can I pay by for my journey?

For your convenience you can pay by card, bank transfer and of course cash.

We have a long-distance event to go to, can you pick us up as well?

Yes, we often take our customers all over the country to attend all sortsof events from weddings to funerals, festivals to business conferences. In most circumstances, and subject to availability our driver is able to wait locally for you, so that we are on hand when it is time for you to return.

I want to book a airport transfer, do I need to pay in advance?

Yes, we would need a deposit to guarantee the availability of our driver for your transfer.

Where will I meet the driver when I arrive at the station or airport?

If you have booked a station meet & greet service our driver will wait near to the platforms in an easy to see location, with a board with the lead passenger’s name*.

As with the station meet & greet service if you have booked a meet &greet service for the airport, we will meet you as you come into arrivals. Our driver will be easy to see, with a board showing your passenger’s name*.

*Unless agreed differently with the driver when we dropped you off. 

Our driver will always offer to help with your luggage if you would like them too.

What areas do you cover?

We are based in Bideford, North Devon, so for daily taxi collections and local pickups we collect and drop off in Bideford, Appledore, Westward Ho!, Torrington, Barnstaple, and the surrounding areas, including the Clovelly and the North Devon coast. We are ideally placed to be your go to North Devon holiday taxi company, but equally offer regular local trips to assist with regular hospital taxi journeys and commuting to the local train station. In addition to local pick-ups and drop offs, we also offer country wide airport & seaport transfers and station meet and greet services.